Monday, April 6, 2009

The Gold Mine of Branding overview and registration details

Don't spend a gold mine marketing your brand!

Undoubtedly, the current economy has been on your lips and minds lately.

And perhaps it's true that the uphill climb of building and maintaining a thriving business is now more challenging than ever before...

But a Mother Lode Awaits!

Make no mistake...Effective, purposeful branding will excavate the most fearful of customers every time! Now is the time to create your own Gold Rush and capture market share.

Learn secrets of branding your business and protecting your intellectual property in this ground-breaking workshop titled "The Gold Mine of Branding" offered by Russ Riddle and Kathy Garland.

Save the Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009
Location: Stonebridge Country Club, 7003 Beacon Hill Rd., McKinney, TX 75070

What you'll learn:
- What is a brand? How is a brand different from advertising?
- How to focus on what is unique about your company
- Tips on using social networking to get the word out about your company
- How to manage your brand on the web
- Why strong brands are more profitable
- Common mistakes and misconceptions about brands
- The difference between a copyright and trademark and when you need them
- How managing your copyrights and trademarks can increase the value of your business
- How to protect your intellectual property
- How to protect your brand - And more!

What you'll receive:
- Examples of strong brands and brand value
- Templates to define your brand
- Handouts and exercises
- Roster of attendees for continued networking
- Brainstorming time to work on your brand

Registration details:

The easiest way?

Call Kathy Garland at 972.529.6744 or
Call Russ Riddle at 214.663.4791

If you reach voice mail, please give us your name, phone number and that you'd like to register for The Gold Mine of Branding.

We will call you back to confirm your registration and send you details. You can pay by credit card or mail a check, as long as it is received before the workshop.

Your investment: Only $199 for a half-day workshop with two brand experts